Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock, WS12 3HL
Rev'd Margaret Eales
01543 682277
Salem is a friendly, lively church with much going on, not just on Sundays but throughout the week.
We have services at 11.00am and 4.00pm and refreshments are served after both services. "Coffee Stop" is open Monday-Friday, 10am – 4pm, for people to drop in for tea/coffee, informal chat and fellowship. Activities during the week include Boys' Brigade, Rainbows, Table Tennis Club, Badminton, History Society, Monday Creations, Dance School, Flower Club and a Mother and toddler group.
We are also a collection and distribution centre for Cannock and District Foodbank.
Website – www.salemmethodistchurch.co.uk
Facebook – @salemcheslynhay
Registered Charity no. 1136126
Rev'd Samantha Hagerman
01902 269474
Cannock Chase Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Stephen's Methodist Church
Bideford Way
WS11 1TG