Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock, WS12 3HL
Rev'd Margaret Eales
01543 682277
Bethel Methodist Church has been closely linked with the local people of Bridgtown ever since it was built -
being a focal point for its community to get together.
We hold weekly services every Sunday evening at 5pm, lasting
an hour. We serve tea, coffee and usually an assortment of biscuits or cakes.
We are proud to host our 'cafe style' service, with the chairs surrounding a
table to encourage a more relaxed service with group discussion and activities.
Our usual week goes as follows:
Tuesday evening – we hold a 'Make and Do' weekly session
from 7.30pm – 9pm. This get together is a chance for our church members (and
non-church members) to catch up with each other, to do some arts and crafts and
'make and do' whatever you please! If we have a Christmas or summer fete (etc.)
coming up, usually the members of this group will create 'arty' products to
sell at these events to help raise money for the church.
Wednesday morning – The Bridgtown History Society meet
monthly 10am – 12pm for either a talk or a coffee morning and annually they
meet for their Annual event where they release their annual book!
Thursday morning – we hold a weekly Stroke Support Group
from 10am- 12pm which is ran by a regular church member of Bethel's. This group is welcome to all who
have been affected by stroke in any which way and aims to support them.
Thursday evening – the Cannock Chase Light Orchestra hold
their weekly practises and rehearsals at Bethel Church
7pm – 9pm. Last year (2019) we even had the pleasure of watching them perform
for us.
Yearly events – at Bethel
we have reoccurring yearly events which you can always look forward to! These
being the following:
Digni-Tea – This occurs every February to help raise
money for a cause close to our hearts – Dignity. We usually hold music, tea,
cake and sandwiches. This event always sells out and everyone involved has a
great time.
Quarterly fetes – We hold a Christmas, Spring, Summer
and Autumn fete at our Church. The church itself will keep a few tables for
themselves to sell items made at 'Make and Do' and cakes, and other such
things, and the other tables are hired by other outside individuals. At our
Christmas Fete we also hold a Christmas Tree Light switch-on where we will sing
carols around the Christmas Tree.
Bridgtown Concert Showband's Christmas Concert.
Around November/ December we are always treated with a chance to watch this amazingshowband perform all our favourite Christmas Songs!
Prize Bingo – held monthly. Always a great turn out,
a crowd favourite!
Harvest Social – we come together to enjoy home-made
soups with produce that was donated at the Harvest Service. A non-fresh food
donation is also gathered here to give to our local Foodbank.
Dancing for Dignity 'Dance-a-thon' – every October we
host a 12-hour dance-a-thon from 10am-10pm to help raise money for Dignity! A
cause, close to our hearts.
Registered Charity no. 1136126
Rev'd Samantha Hagerman
07739 582691
Cannock Chase Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Stephen's Methodist Church
Bideford Way
WS11 1TG